Wednesday, October 4, 2017

paypal hack 2015 no survey – paypal hack crack – paypal hack without survey

paypal hack windows phone add money onlineToday I am going to publicly disclose a critical vulnerability I have found during my research in PayPal, This vulnerability enabled me to completely bypass the CSRF Prevention System implemented by PayPal, The vulnerability is patched very fast and PayPal paid me the maximum bounty they give ;).**1- Reusable CSRF Token:*The CSRF token “that authenticate every single request made by the user” which can be also found in the request body of every request with the parameter name “Auth” get changed with every request made by user for security measures, but after a deep investigation I found out that the CSRF Auth is Reusable for that specific user email address or username, this means If an attacker found any of these CSRF Tokens, He can then make actions in the behalf of any logged in user.*Hmm, it seems interesting but still not exploitable, as there is no way for an attacker to get the “Auth” value from a victim session.**2- Bypassing the CSRF Auth System:*The CSRF Auth verifies every single request of that user, So what If an attacker “not logged in” tries to make a “send money” request then PayPal will ask the attacker to provide his email and password, The attacker will provide the “Victim Email” and ANY password, Then he will capture the request, The request will contain a Valid CSRF Auth token Which is Reusable and Can authorise this specific user requests. Upon Further Investigation, We have found out that an Attacker can obtain the CSRF Auth which can be valid for ALL users, by intercepting the POST request from a page that provide an Auth Token before the Logging-in process, check this page for the magical CSRF Auth “”. At this point the attacker Can CSRF “almost” any request on behalf of this user.*Through examination of the password change process, I have found that an attacker can NOT Change the victim password without answering the Security Questions set by user, Also the user himself can NOT change the security questions without entering the password!**3- ByPassing the Security Questions Change:*Screen Shot 2014-08-13 at 12.20.52 AM*The initial process of “setting” security questions is not password protected and is reusable*After further investigation, I have noticed that the request of setting up the security questions “which is initiated by the user while signing up” is not password-protected, and it can be reused to reset the security questions up without providing the password, hence, Armed with the CSRF Auth, an attacker can CSRF this process too and change the victim’s Security questions.**At this point, An attacker can conduct a targeted CSRF attack against PayPal users and take a full control over their accounts. Hence, An attacker can CSRF all the requests including but not limited to:**1- Add/Remove/Confirm Email address*2-Add fully privileged users to business account*3- Change Security questions*4- Change Billing/Shipping Address*5- Change Payment methods*6- Change user settings(Notifications/Mobile settings) ………… and more.*To automate the whole process, I have coded a Python interactive server to demonstrate how an attacker can exploit this vulnerability in a real-life scenario attack.eBay subsidiary (2002–2014)[edit]*Shortly after PayPal's IPO, the company was acquired by eBay in July 2002 for $1.5 billion.[20][24][25] More than 70 percent of all eBay auctions accepted PayPal payments, and roughly 1 in 4 closed auction listings were transacted via PayPal.[26] PayPal became the payment method used by a majority of eBay users (it was also the default choice), and the service competed with eBay's subsidiary Billpoint, as well as Citibank's c2it, Yahoo!'s PayDirect, Google Checkout and Western Union's BidPay service, all of which closed in subsequent years.**PayPal acquired the VeriSign payment solution in 2005 to expand its e-commerce business and provide added security support.[27][28] In 2007, PayPal announced a partnership with MasterCard that led to the development and launch of the PayPal Secure Card service, a software that allows customers to make payments on websites that do not accept PayPal directly by generating a unique, single-use MasterCard number for each checkout.[29] By the end of 2007, the company generated $1.8 billion in revenue.[30]**In January 2008, PayPal acquired Fraud Sciences, a privately held Israeli start-up company with expertise in online risk tools, for $169 million, in order to enhance PayPal's proprietary fraud management systems.[31] In November 2008, the company acquired Bill Me Later, an online payments company offering transactional credit at over 9000 online merchants in the US.[32] PayPal revenues for Q1 2009 were $643 million, up 11 percent year over year. 42 percent of revenues in Q1 2009 were from international markets. PayPal's Total Payment Volume (TPV), the total value of transactions in Q1 2009 was nearly $16 billion, up 10 percent year over

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How to install:
1. Download, extract and run .exe file,
2. Press Install button
3. Choose destination folder
4. Press Finish

How to Use:
Open destination folder and locate file notes.txt, open it and read step by step.

Don't forget to read instructions after installation. Enjoy paypal hack 2015 no survey - paypal hack crack - paypal hack without survey.

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